Projects & Profiles
President’s Innovation Prize winners Yash Dhir and Rahul Nambiar are creating a unified management tool so educators can better understand student performance.

A team of five recent graduates from the School of Engineering and Applied Science and recipients of the 2023 President’s Innovation Prize have developed a beanie that filters out harmful noises for infants in neonatal intensive care units.

William Kohler Danon, C’22, and Lukas Achilles Yancopoulos, C’22, EAS’22
Grapevine aims to increase resilience across the health care supply chain, with a particular focus on small-to-medium businesses.

Shinkei Systems
Saif Khawaja, W’21
Shinkei Systems, a recipient of the inaugural President’s Sustainability Prize, a sub-category of the President’s Innovation Prize, builds robotics that minimize fish waste and multiply shelf life.

Sarah Beth Gleeson, EAS’22, Shoshana Weintraub, EAS’22, and Julia Yan, EAS’22
Baleena, a recipient of the inaugural President’s Sustainability Prize, a sub-category of the President’s Innovation Prize, is an innovative device that captures microfibers at their laundry point source, protecting oceans and waterways.

Aris Saxena, W’21, and Yiwen Li, C’21, W’21
Mobility connects patients with on-demand health care at their homes.

Lumify Care
Anthony Scarpone-Lambert, Nu’21
A nurse-founded startup, Lumify aims to ensure that all healthcare professionals have access to the tools and resources they need to excel.

Nikil Ragav (W’20, EAS'20)
With inventXYZ, President’s Innovation Prize winner Nikil Ragav has created a high-tech curriculum for high school to motivate future problem-solvers.

Michael Wong (W'16)
InstaHub’s mission is to eliminate energy waste through snap-on automation that enhances, rather than replaces, existing building infrastructure. Founded at Penn in 2016, InstaHub is focused on fighting climate change through energy conservation efforts with cleantech building automation technology.

Strella Biotechnology
Katherine Sizov (C'19) and Malika Shukurova (EAS'19)
Strella is developing a bio-sensor that can predict the maturity of virtually any fresh fruit. Strella’s sensors are installed in controlled atmosphere storage rooms, monitoring apples as they ripen. This enables packers and distributors to identify the ripest apples and fruit for their customers, thus minimizing spoilage and food waste and promoting sustainability.

Avisi Technologies (VisiPlate)
Rui Jing Jiang (W'18), Brandon Kao (EAS'18), and Adarsh Battu (W'18)
Avisi Technologies is a health-care startup that is creating a revolutionary treatment for the second-leading cause of blindness in the world: glaucoma. VisiPlate, Avisi’s nanoscale ocular implant, has the potential to transform the industry paradigm for glaucoma treatment and vision-loss prevention.

Sade Oba (EAS'16) and Alfredo Muniz (EAS'16)
Sade Oba and Alfredo Muniz are helping Parkinson's disease patients through XEED, a network of wearable devices that tracks the movements of limbs, syncs the data to a smart phone, and compares the results to benchmarks set by therapists. XEED will enable patients and their families to access accurate, up-to-date data as they actively fight against Parkinson's.

Fever Smart
William Duckworth (EAS’16), Aaron Goldstein (W'16)
William Duckworth and Aaron Goldstein are continuing their work with Fever Smart. Fever Smart enables patients and healthcare providers to monitor a patient's temperature in real time and receive alerts when their temperature begins to rise to unsafe levels.